Our Bethany Café meets on the second and fourth Mondays each month (unless it falls on a Bank Holiday) between 2:00pm and 3:00 pm. We serve hot drinks with cake and biscuits in a safe environment.
We meet in St John's Church Hall which is in the grounds of St John's. There is a small car park behind the bus stop, or more spaces in the car park behind the shops, access via Ravensdale.
If you are in need to talk to somebody you can contact the Church Office (01255 475704) and leave a message and one of our team will call you back.
Are you grieving?
Bereavement is a distressing but common experience. Sooner or later we will suffer the death of someone close to us - someone we love.
Most of us have not had the need, either to learn about grief - how it feels, what are the right things to do, what is 'normal' - or how to come to terms with it. In spite of this, we have to cope when we are finally faced with the death of a loved one.
We grieve after any sort of loss, but most powerfully after the death of someone we love. It is not just one feeling, but a whole succession of feelings, which take a while to get through and which cannot be hurried.
Many of us can be completely overwhelmed not knowing where to turn.
Even with close family and friends sometimes we need someone else to listen — to help us walk the path of grief.
Perhaps we can help?
Our Mission is to:
Offer all those in pain through bereavement (either recent or otherwise) the help needed to come to terms with their loss.
Blessed are they who mourn, for they will be comforted
Matthew 5: 4
On the last Saurday of each month there is a coffee morning which is held at St John's Church Hall. This is held from 9.30 - 11.30am. There is tea and coffee and cake. There is also a Cake stall and Craft stall where you can purchase homemade items.
This is held on the last Wednesday of each month at 4pm at St Mark's Church. Tea and coffee are provided and this is a lovely way to make friends and learn new crafts. Everyone is welcome and see the calendar on line for more details about the next event.
Stewsdays is our monthly lunch club which normally meets on the last Tuesday of the month at St Mark’s. You will receive a warm welcome and a home-cooked two course meal. We always provide a vegetarian option and can adapt meals to suit specific dietary needs. Doors open at 11.45 and lunch is served at 12.15 . The cost is £4.We take a break in August and in July and December the timings can vary please refer to the appropriate notice sheet.
It is really helpful if you make a booking through the Church Office or by completing one of the slips in either of our Church buildings, although we would try not to turn anyone away.
First Sunday of each month, 4pm at St John’s Church
TeaTime Church is a relaxed and interactive, all-age service for children and families. We begin with half an hour of crafts and activities that allow a good opportunity to chat for those who prefer this, and lots of chances to move around for those that have more energy! The craft activities relate to whatever it is we’ll be thinking about during our Bible Bit.
The Bible Bit follows the crafts and activities. We sing songs and play instruments, say some short prayers together, and hear something from the Bible, which always requires help from those that are willing to give it!
We finish our time together with a cold buffet tea, which gives more time to chat and catch up. Please just turn up and visit us if you’re interested, you’ll be made really welcome!
Alternate Thursdays in St Johns Church Hall. from 10.15am - 11.00am
Please come and join us for a cuppa, a chat and to make friends. Everyone very welcome. Usually in St John’s Church Hall, sometimes in the church opposite. It will be clear on the day where to go!
Copyright © 2025 Great Clacton Parish of St John's & St Mark's Churches - All Rights Reserved.